Thursday, September 2, 2010


Taxes are enforced financial charges imposed upon an individual or legal entity by a state. This could be expanded to mean that nobody is exempted as noncompliance is punishable by law.

Taxation is an acceptable practice the world over. That is why tax collection is usually performed by government agencies such as Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs in the UK; Canada Revenue Agency in Canada and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States. Your own country too will have its agency for tax collection... you just need to make the necessary inquiry.

Furthermore, taxes come in several names which include but not limited to the following: toll, duty, excise, or subsidy. The revenue so generated by the government is infused into the pipeline of national development.

Now, on the part of the individual who is already faced with the various challenges of everyday living, insights on how to lower whatever form of tax applicable to your current situation is most welcome. One must as a first measure differentiate between the direct and indirect tax regimes as they apply to the person. This is important as the distinction between direct and indirect tax can be slight and difficult to identify, but can be relevant under your country’s law.

Some ways of reducing the level of tax an individual pays are as follows:

Income Reduction Strategy:

This refers to making an analysis of the individual’s gross income and then developing some useful adjustments. However, care should be taken so as to ensure that the amount of adjustment should be equal to the anticipated change in income.

Donations to Charitable organisations:

Tax deductions usually occur when actual and officially confirmed donations of cash or properties are made to charitable organisations. However, the donor must expend efforts to properly itemize all such tax deductions in other to make the measure applicable.

Accepting Tax Credits:

Tax credits are popular and available in most countries of the world. Most governments in other to create acceptance to some polices among the local populace usually create special tax credits (STC) in such situations. Indeed, there are several programs which come with tax credits and these may include: embarking on a special retirement savings plan, college expenses for some programs and adoption of children from the social welfare establishment.

These are some ways which you could apply in other to reduce the tax on your personal finances which will in turn, further improve your current standard of living.

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